Asian cuisine impresses with its diverse options

What not all chefs have on their radar: Asian cuisine is important A wealth of preparation variants ready. Pans? Pfff, they're basically from yesterday. We are setting a new trend: preparing dishes in... Wok!

If you don't have a wok in your kitchen yet, we advise you to get this utensil as soon as possible. With a wok you can cook vegetables, meat and meat substitutes braise in large quantities, fry or otherwise prepare. Thank heavens for the wok, because it preserves dishes typical strong aromas of Asian cuisine. In addition, with him the... Nutrients in the food spared.

Whether Asian recipes for the wok or for other kitchen accessories: every dish in Asian cuisine benefits from it quality ingredients be used. Fresh vegetables and Meat from species-appropriate husbandry contribute to a significantly better taste. We don't offer vegetables or meat for sale - after all, we can't do all the work for you. You will find another one with us important component of Asian recipes in abundance: the Herbs & Spices.

Asian recipes without spices? Inconceivably!

Asian recipes and Asian cuisine are largely defined by the Herbs & Spices. Especially that one Indian recipes have made a name for themselves with their spices. The best example of this is curry... -wurst. Just a little joke on the side. We're talking about that spice mix, which is probably nowhere as popular and popular as in India .

Während Curry Although it also has many fans in this country, the situation is different with the other spices that are often found in Asian recipes. For example, the one popular in China lasts lemongrass largely a niche existence in Germany. This is in China lemongrass definitely greener and can show what it's made of. We'll prove it to you with our Asian recipes.

If you are a little bit detached from our Asian recipes when preparing your dishes and yours Creativity runs wild are ours Individual spices and our spice blends just right for you! Go wild, throw everything together and find your own spice style. For people with the highest demands Quality and Origin We have a selection of spices Organic spices. Of course, our standard spices are also included without flavor enhancersand artificial flavorings out of. They are convincing even without cheating.

Asian Recipes: Enjoy and have fun!

Asian recipes originate centuries-old traditions and extremely ancient cultures. Even if the well-known Asian cuisine is appealing, numerous ones are exciting new and innovative Asian recipes are getting more and more attention.

For example, the banh mi sandwiches are impressive Street Food from Vietnam with their simplicity in preparation. A Chinese barbecue invites you to have more variety if you have previously only held your barbecue evenings according to the European or US model. Asian recipes for finger food are above all below young people popular. For example, have you ever tried sushi? If so, then we probably don't need to say anything else. If not: it's high time!

Now we've talked enough and it's your turn: Immerse yourself in a Far Eastern world full of dishes, which gradually Conquer the globe! While Asian recipes conquer your kitchen, we take over your spice racks and are happy to accompany you on yours Exploration tour by the Far Eastern cuisine.

If you need other ingredients in addition to our spices, take a look at our page sauces. Enjoy and Namaste!